My Cup Overfloweth

May 5, 2020

1 min read

Just imagine – an early morning before a video-call with the USA. I’ve dragged myself from bed and started making a coffee. I’ve diligently weighed the beans, rinsed the filter with hot water into my mug. I attend to my toast – aiming for perfect synchronisation of coffee brewing and toaster popping – then I return to put the beans in filter. I tare the scales and check that yes – I do indeed have 19.5g off grounds (shakes fist at my grind-retaining Breville Smart Grinder).

I tare my scales again and pour the water (precisely 94°C, thank you very much), starting with a bloom. Then I add water slowly, waiting for the level to sink then adding more. Suddenly my scales are wet. Did I accidentally pour down the side of the mug instead of into the coffee bed? Is my mug leaking?

No. I left the water in my mug after rinsing the filter, so my coffee has been augmented with 80g of rinse water and I have drowned my scales. Chalk up another one for Banham’s law.

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